

In this section we will work on making the game online and realtime. Player's will be able to connect and play together remotely over the internet.

For this, we will create a server that is going to connect the players and share events such as player moves between them. Our server will be making real-time communication with the connected players' browsers through the Websockets protocol

To get started, let's create a new folder outside of our current chess-client directory (or whatever your name for this project is), save that folder as chess-server.


Open your terminal, navigate to the chess-server folder and run

npm init -y

This initialized a new npm project and created a package.json file to manage our dependencies. Let's install the packages we need. We need express.js for creating a web server and to easily make use of web sockets for instant messaging.

Install this dependencies by running:

npm i express
npm i
npm i cors

The cors package helps us connect to our server from our client and allow cross origin resource sharing. Learn more

Make sure to install the given version of @2.3.0

Server scaffold

In chess-server, create a new folder src. In chess-server/src create two files, index.js and game.js


Let's create our server in index.js by adding this code.

const http = require('http');
const socketio = require('');
const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
const PORT = 5000;
const io = socketio(server);
server.listen(PORT, () => console.log('Server running on port ' + PORT));

To import packages in Node, we use the require function. First, we require http, socketio and express. http is a builtin Node package that we can use alongside express to create a web server.

We create a new app by calling express and then create the web server, server by calling http.createServer and passing in our express instance app. We define the port PORT where the server will be running on. Next we create an io object by calling socketio and providing our server instance. io is used to listen for connections and to emit events to connected users.

We also call app.use(cors()) to add the cors middleware to our express server, to allow cross origin resource sharing with our client.

Finally we set up the server server to listen on port PORT. Through that port, we can listen for incoming events.

To run the server, open the package.json and add the following in the scripts: {} section

"scripts": {
"start": "node src/index.js",

This creates a command we can use to start our server. In your terminal, navigate to the folder for this project and run npm start. This starts our server on localhost:5000. You should see this message printed in your terminal once the server starts

Server running on port 5000

Managing the games

Before we start working on real-time messaging, let's first create some functions to manage our players and games in src/game.js. All of our games will be stored in an object where the key is the id of the game gameID and the value is an array of the two players in that game. Each game(key) will have only two players connected. We can also have multiple games happening concurrently.


const games = {
5133274: [player1, player2],
4781580: [player1, player2],

In src/game.js let's create this games object to hold our games and a class to represent a Player.

const games = {};
class Player {
constructor(name, color, playerID, gameID) { = name;
this.color = color;
this.playerID = playerID;
this.gameID = gameID;

To create a player, we will need the player's name, color w or b, the playerID for this player and gameID for the game they are playing.

Next, let's define the addPlayer function we will use to add a player

const addPlayer = ({ gameID, name, playerID }) => {
if (!games[gameID]) {
const color = Math.random() <= 0.5 ? 'w' : 'b';
const player = new Player(name, color, playerID, gameID);
games[gameID] = [player];
return {
message: 'Joined successfully',
opponent: null,
if (games[gameID].length >= 2) {
return { error: 'This game is full' };
const opponent = games[gameID][0];
const color = opponent.color === 'w' ? 'b' : 'w';
const player = new Player(name, color, playerID, gameID);
return {
message: 'Added successfully',

The addPlayer function receives an object with the name, playerID and gameID. To add a player, we first check to see if the game they are trying to join exists or has been created games[gameID], if not we create this new player providing the required parameters and a randomly assigned color.

new Player(name, color, playerID, gameID)

We then create this game and add the player in our array of players. games[gameID] = [player]. We return an object with a message, an opponent of null, since they are the first to join and we don't have any opponent yet, and the player we just created.

Next, we check to see if the game already has 2 players. If that is true, we return an object with an error property.

The last part of this function executes when this game has already been created but the game is not full, i.e when we are adding a second player. For this, we get first player games[gameID][0] who is the opponent. We create a new player and add that to the array of players. games[gameID].push(player) we return an object with three properties message, opponent and the player created.

Next we create a function to access a game by it's id from our games.

const game = (id) => games[id];

Let's create another function to remove a player in case a player leaves the game. This function also returns the player who left the game

const removePlayer = (playerID) => {
for (const game in games) {
let players = games[game];
const index = players.findIndex((pl) => pl.playerID === playerID);
if (index !== -1) {
return players.splice(index, 1)[0];

Finally, we export this functions from our module

module.exports = {

Find the complete code snippet for src/game.js in this Github gist.

Socket events

In our index.js file, let's set up our web sockets connection

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('join', ({ name, gameID }, callback) => {
const { error, player, opponent } = addPlayer({
if (error) {
return callback({ error });
callback({ color: player.color });
//send welcome message to player1, and also send the opponent player's data
socket.emit('welcome', {
message: `Hello ${}, Welcome to the game`,
// Tell player2 that player1 has joined the game.'opponentJoin', {
message: `${} has joined the game. `,
opponent: player,
if (game(gameID).length >= 2) {
const white = game(gameID).find((player) => player.color === 'w');'message', {
message: `Let's start the game. White (${}) goes first`,
socket.on('move', ({ from, to, gameID }) => {'opponentMove', { from, to });
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
const player = removePlayer(;
if (player) {'message', {
message: `${} has left the game.`,

We first listen for new connections io.on('connection'). For every connection to our web server, we get a socket object which represents that particular connection. We register a listener for the join event. This will be emitted from our client in order to join a game, and it receives an object with the name and gameID and a callback function from the client. We use the addPlayer function to join this game. If we get an error, we pass this to the callback function to be received by the client, if it was successful, we return the color assigned to the player via the callback.

We also add this player to the game socket.join(gameID). (In terms, it's called a room)

We emit a welcome event to this socket/connection through socket.emit() and provide a message and the opponent for this player. The opponent might be null if this socket is the first player.

Next, we emit the opponentJoin event to the other player in the game, (in case one had joined before), and send them their opponent data. socket.broadcast sends an event to the other connected sockets/clients in the same game/room.

Next, we check if game is full game(gameID).length >= 2, if true, we emit a message event to all players using to inform them to start the game.

When a client makes a move, they will emit a move event. We listen for this event in socket.on('move') and inform the other client of their opponents move by emiting the opponentMove event and passing some data about the move'opponentMove', { from, to })

Finally, we set up a listener for disconnect socket.on('disconnect') which is emitted when a socket is disconnected e.g by closing the app on their browser. We use the removePlayer function to remove this player from our games object, and then emit a message event to the other player to inform them. We also emit an additional opponentLeft event using'opponentLeft').

That's all we need to setup our server. Find the complete code snippet for the server, src/index.js here

Get the complete server-side code on GitHub